Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday Boggle

Avid fans of Faulty Feet (for the purpose of this post, let's say they exist) will remember my last Scrabble post, in which I shed light on the tendency that non-competitive people have to let their playmates put words on the board that are not exactly words, per se. Well, once again, the hour of unconventional rules to word board games has stricken (stroke? striked?). This time, we’ll take a look at Boggle. Basically, if the word ‘should be a word’, then it is. 
Here are a few of the words and their imaginary but nonetheless valid definitions:
Pumis - either a hummus filled public bone or a dried up penis that is used as a pumice stone. (ew.)
Yumbits - no need for a definition, chances are you know exactly what these are. Om nom nom nom nom.

Telemody: of Telemundo
Mylon: not your nylon.
Doy: a Yiddish version of Homer Simpson’s ‘Doh!’
Heman: words applicable to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rod Steward and John Hamm only.

Ok, this isn’t a made up word but look, it’s a tapir!


1 comment:


    Doy! why did the Telemody Heman crew use Mylon to attached the Pumis to my Yumbits?
